Our Key Researches

Smart City Value Proposition:
We aspire for producing and delivering very useful software-based solutions to the city authorities, citizens and professionals to maintain a very livable city. It is a large domain. We have identified primarility three areas to focus on: (1) city infrastructure, (2) city authority processes and (3) citizen services. IOT, GIS and AI are enabler technologies in these product sub-domains. We have therefore developed three products and keep adding values to them through our reaserch:
  • TheCitizen App
  • CTrends Maps
  • MyCity
We meet, disucss and brainstorm with the following professionals to identity, study, define and implement integrated Smart City products to support the city authorities:
  • Urban planners & civil engineers
  • Electrical & energy engineers
  • ICT experts
  • Law enforcement domain experts
  • City authority domain experts, etc.
GRC Excellence:
Our core enterprise solution is GRC product suite designed to help the business entities to plan, practice effective corporate governance, enterprise risk management and regulatory compliance processes. This is a continuous process. As the output of this research work, we have produced and keep enhancing the CTrends GRC Platform, which is already a leading product in this vertical in the local market.

The following professionals are our key resources to perform this research:
  • Internal auditors
  • External auditors
  • Risk managers
  • Compliance managers
  • Business modeling & planning experts
  • Legal experts
  • Automation experts, etc.
Mr. Mamunur Rahman, the chairman of CTrends, is a research-oriented person. Being an electrical engineer from BUET, he undertook different but releated subject matters to come up with ideas which led to these researches with commercial viability. He leads the research work with passion.